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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Unleash the Night-Sherrilyn Kenyon-Book Nine

Whew. I’m in one of my low spins, reading instead of writing. For those of you paying attention to this blog that’s a good thing, I hope, but since you are silent in the ’Verse I can only imagine.

So where are we now? Book #9, Unleash the Night. Wow, I don’t have too many more to go before I’m at the end of the Dark Hunter world. Will it be DH fan fic after that or something of my own creation?

Ah, but you want me to get on with it, so I will.

Unleash the Night takes us on the Were-Hunters’ side of things. This would be our second jaunt into the Katagaria/Arcadian world. I doubt it will be our last, and truly I hope it isn’t. As much as I love our Dark Hunters I like the Weres just as much. I have to give Kenyon credit, her world certainly runs vivid. Great characters abound and delight.

Loping into the scenery this time is Wren, Wren Tigarian. For those of you not in the know, he is a busboy at the ever famous Sanctuary. He doesn’t talk much and looks pretty scruffy in that please-don’t-kill-me kind of way. Of course, our Miss Hero is seduced by him.


Before I go on, let me scream something out to the wonders of the land. When a guy is super creepy let it be!!!!!!!! He is most likely dangerous. Hmmm, am I bit jaded here? Or perhaps the book is too rosy for our reality?

You know, we don’t read these books for a dose of reality. Reality is all over the front pages, flashing at you on your Yahoo home page and being buzzed down your throat before you fully wake.

And I really didn’t want to wake from this one.

At first the plot is a little much. Senator’s daughter meets busboy. We’ve seen that, done that. The story even has a Romeo and Juliet kind of feel, but this is no comedy of errors. (Romeo and Juliet wasn’t a comedy, but strip the drama and look at the mechanics and you will find farce.) This story is actually fast paced and pulls you into the pain and longing of the characters.

I found Wren to be classically misunderstood and Marguerite to be trapped by her social standing. They are thrown together through an unfortunate circumstance and the misfortune escalates to the point where The Peltiers have turned against Wren. The only hope he has comes in the form of Vane and his cronies as a blood hunt is called out for Wren’s life and because of his feelings for Marguerite, her life is in danger too.

Once again Kenyon starts the book at a slower pace. This time it works for the story and gets you inside the characters as they open up and develop right before your eyes. By the end of the book you are ecstatic at their triumph as they seamlessly come into their own.

I have to say this is one of Kenyon’s better installments in the series. Are Wren and Miss M added to my favorite characters list? Not exactly, but they are wonderful enough that I don’t mind missing the likes of Kyrian, Valerius and Vane.

Ah, but you care little about plot and character development. Are the sex scenes worth the genre? Yeah, they are. Though, there aren’t as many packed in here as our previous ride on the dark side.

This is not a bad thing.

Kenyon’s last effort relied a little too much on titillation. This effort has it speckled just right, just enough spice to set off a hum. If you want more action, buy porn.

The final word? Buy it, read it, keep it close to your...

I gotta laugh, some things shouldn’t be shared – like what kind of porn would you actually buy?

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