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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sins of the Night-Sherrilyn Kenyon-Book Eight

Hello one and all, I’m back with my latest review. Yep it’s another Kenyon, but hey, there are like two thousand two hundred and thirty two installments. Sins of the Night is No. 8 in this sometimes seemingly infinite series and it’s pretty good.

No, I’m not foot stomping around for this one. The story line is cool enough, the heroes are likable, nobody sucks in this one except maybe the bad guys. However, the book doesn’t create the fever pitch that so many others in this series has, but you now you can’t bat 1000 through and through and really, an A- isn’t so bad.

So, now that you know that the book is good, but not fiery, do you still want me to go on?

Don’t bother answering. I’ve put too much time into those pages not to tell you how much I know about them. And for the record, even though I’m not, what did I say, foot stomping over this book, I did read it in a single day. That means something, right?

Anyway, most of the Kenyon books focus on a male Dark Hunter, this one doesn’t. Here we meet – get ready for this – Danger. She’s French, so the name’s okay. Besides, it’s short for Dangereuse.

Riiiight. Sometimes these authors go a bit over the top with the name thing, but hey these are romances. And like I said, anyway…

Danger is bad ass in her own right and it’s nice to take a spin on the double X side. Of course we have to have a dude come along. (I’m not knocking gaiety, but the books do have a pattern.) And who is dude?

This is actually pretty cool, but I’m only going to tell you a part of it.

He is Acheron’s right hand man.


Yeah, I know!!! Acheron does have a right hand man and he’s here to pass judgment on the Dark Hunters.

Judgment , you ask? You are so full of questions.

It seems some of the DH crowd has decided that good ol’ Ash is a Daimon who’s been using them as pawns. The idea came to them in a dream. No, how about a walking nightmare called Stryker. Yep current bad dude # 1 is back.

Basically we have a Daimon telling Dark Hunters that Acheron is a Daimon out to get them. And that right there is what makes this plot a little weak.

Kenyon delivers hot sex and characters with compelling pasts that make you feel for them. You get to learn more about the DH world as well. You even get a few more tidbits on the ever secretive big guy, Ash. However, all of these vibrant gems are milling around, soggy in their milk. Of course, I ate up and licked the bowl clean. I just wished the dish had a little more crunch.

I’m not saying skip it. I’m not even saying you won’t enjoy it. I’m just saying it’s not going to be as exciting as the rest and the plot isn’t going to be as sound as so many of the previous have been.

I will say that the resolution has a different spin, meaning… well, meaning you’ve got to read it. It’s not going to end like you think it is, not exactly anyway. And for those of you haven’t read, “In the Beginning,” the little piece explaining the birth of the Dark Hunters off the website, it’s in the back of the book. Per the author’s note, it’s a should read before delving into this story.

And that’s all, kids. I’m off to read book nine. You know it’s a wonderful thing to find a great series, but it’s kind of sad when it’s all over. Let’s hope Ms. Kenyon never tires of the series. I think I can read on forever…

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