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Thursday, February 26, 2009

On Writing and Kathy with a K.

I was out roaming used bookstores yesterday. I met a woman named Kathy. I’m going Kathy with a K, because I likes it. To tell you the truth, I see that far more than with a “C”.

I could be wrong about that. I have been about such things before.

So I met Kathy with a K in the paranormal section of said used book store. She was looking for the latest Laurel K., I think. I could be wrong on that one, too. I have to admit my minds been on a lot of things lately and simple facts like those mentioned above get a little skewed.

Anyway, I’m on the floor looking for more Stover books. I have this sudden minor obsession with him. I don’t know why…Oh, I’m looking for him in the mini-paranormal section because the sci-fi/fantasy bleeds into it.

Always has really. I got my first paranormal out of my Science Fiction Book Club catalog when I was a teen.

You don’t care. And I see why.

So, I’m sitting there in her way. She’s actually pretty cool about it and before I know it, we’re talking shop, shop for me I guess, books for her. Though again, I don’t really know. I’m making a lot of assumptions based on a five minute interaction with someone I’ve just met.

So we’re talking about paranormals. She’s thinking on Kenyon. I mention this site. As I do, I realize that there’s not much to this site other than my reviews and most of the reviews are on things that have been out for a while. No hardcore reader needs my reviews, except maybe those new to any series I’ve reviewed.

Blehg…..stick to the point. I have a pattern of running from points, especially blunt ones aimed at my chest…

So we’re talking books. I like talking books. I love talking about them, that’s why I started this blog in the first place. I wanted to talk about what I’d been reading while I did my never ending research for my genre. In that realization I asked my self:

Am I a reader or a writer?

After some thought, I have to say both. I think the two go hand in hand and if they don’t it’s a lot harder to be a writer. The more I read the easier it gets for me to write the full length novel. I don’t need a book to tell me how to write a short piece. That’s easy for me. What’s hard is the long term mental organization of anything over 15,000 words.

So I think I need to be a reader to be a writer. There’s an issue with that though.

How much reading is too much?

I’ve read a ton of books this last year. I’ve started a novel. I have finished about 20 books or so, but I’m still working on said novel and the latter is really pissing me off.

I have my reasons. We all do. I think every writer on the planet has a reason for dropping the ball and screwing the pooch on time-lines. I do it all the time. In fact, it’s my greatest talent. I start writing novels and don’t finish them.

And that’s what I’ve been trying to overcome. That’s what I’ve been placing as my god-damned goal this year. Finish writing a fucking book!!! It doesn’t even have to be good; it just has to be done!!!

Is that so much to ask?

Sometimes I think it is. Sometime I think I should stop all of this crap and just be a reader, keep writing my blogs and my little blinks of writing. Fuck the novel, fuck the book, fuck the idea of ever getting published.

At times like these I have to wonder how close I am to my time of the month?

Not gonna look, not gonna check. Hormones can’t get in the way of what I want.

I can though. I can get in my way so damned easily that I trip over myself without even knowing, not until my face hits the floor.

So in my bump and grind mental bitching I’ve gotta ask myself:

What do I need to do to finish a book?

Read? I bought some books on writing. I bought one from Ray Bradbury and one from Stephen King. I’ve never done that before because I believe I don’t need to learn how they write. I need to learn how I write. But this isn’t really about style or stories or the actual writing anymore. It’s about organization, pushing myself, overcoming fears and creating space, really creating mental and physical space so I can get off my mental ass and fucking write a damn book. No, finish writing it.

You know, all I’m asking for is a finished first draft.

So, I’m talking to Kathy with a K. I wanted to be able to tell her I wrote a book. I wanted to be able to point to it on a shelf. I wanted to say , “Hey, that’s me. I wrote that.” That would have been nice. It could still be nice if I push myself to keep on towards that goal.

I though about going to a writer’s groups again. I like my old one, kind of. Truth is, there were some really, really good writers in that group. There were also some really, really crappy ones. (Note to one bad writer: DON”T write fantasy if you’ve never picked up a single fantasy book in your life. It’s obvious and you’re not so profoundly brilliant as to pull jack shit off.)

Sometimes I think I have a few bitter bones in my body. Nah, cynical. That’s not the same thing.

I don’t really know what I’m going to do to focus. I can read more this and that. I can spend one night a week at a table talking to other writers. I can continue to bitch on these pages, but I know that none of that is going to be the key to getting my fingers tapping. They may help, but in the end I am the only thing stopping me from anything.

Maybe I need a few more blunt points aimed at my heart? Maybe then I’ll write screaming to the finish line. Ah, maybe all my book needs is a blood sacrifice.

Or does that only work for mechanical things?

© 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Heroes Die: Matthew Woodring Stover

Hello everyone. This review is from a different genre. I warned you in my last post and here it is. Heroes Die… Oh but first, please get past the cheesy cover, please. Trust me.

I found the recently released Caine: Black Knife at one of my beloved bookstores and was enthralled. Stover’s writing has a gritty edge to it that I like. It’s kind of like mine, but his is very male in perspective. For me, that’s actually a nice change. I’ve been reading tons from the female perspective.
Oh yeah, review.

Anyway, I picked up dude, liked it and of course it was the third book of our hero, Caine. That pissed me off. Nah, not really, it was an excuse to buy more books, but you know the first two in this story arc are out of print. They shouldn’t be and I’m willing to bet they will see a reprint.

So, I bought the first two books, Heroes Die and Blade of Thyshalle just so I could read Caine: Black Knife. I’ve never read anything else by Stover and purchasing Heroes Die wasn’t a feat. You can still get it for $7.99. Book two though….is a flippin $35.00 used and that’s a minimum price.

S’okay though. I have my needs and I met them. Admittedly, I was taking a chance because for all I knew, Stover just got good; he could have sucked ass years ago. To my delight, he doesn’t, err uh, didn’t. How’s that grammar go?

Heroes Die is set in an alternate universe. It’s a little sci-fi. It’s a little fantasy. It’s not paranormal in any other way than there’s magic involved. You and I know though, that magic in and of itself isn’t paranormal. Hmmm, I guess I’m trying to defend the genre here. I forgot I don’t need to. My blog. My rules. My god-damned Universe. So screw that and let’s get on with it.

Hari Michaelson is an Actor, not an "actor" as you and I know it, though. In this world, Actors are transported to another world and “act” out missions and so forth. The people at home get hooked up to these thingys and can feel and experience those Adventures first hand, if they’re lucky. Second-handers are more common since they cost less. Anywho, it’s way cool. Can you imagine feeling what Harrison Ford feels as he’s hopping through the jungle? His adrenaline’s spiking. He’s full of fear, full of confidence, full of…fuck, full of life.

Imagine that. Imagine you knowing what it feels like to snap the whip, take the hit, over come an opponent. Ever wonder what it’s like to kill a man? Hell, I’d like to ride in a man’s pants once, from the other side. What does that feel like?

The people in this world know. First-hand.

So there’s your little sci-fi. The fantasy is where they go. They go to Overworld or Ankhana as the inhabitants know it. That’s were all the action is. There’s thrones to be overthrown, emperors to be killed, thieves to be tricked, rivals to be thwarted.

Really it’s a great Sunday afternoon read.

Oh there’s a bit of love story here. You romancey types are gonna love that piece of the pie. You get the super alpha hero on top off all the other yummy stuff because while Hari/Caine is contracted to kill an Emperor and may be god, he really wants to save his wife from death. (Estranged wife.) She’s stuck there and if she can’t get back to their rightful world she goes splodey, in an utmost icky way.

The story is quite more complicated than all that, but I gave you enough to take a look-see right? You gotta read it. It’s gritty. It’s intelligent. It takes a little from ancient governing concepts, tosses it into an alternate future and wraps it all in a heated, action filled, fast pace, adventure that leaves you wanting more.

You’ll pay $35 for book two. Screw dinner for the kids. You’ll want the high.

© 2009

Stover’s blog:
P.S. Stover's site says Blade of Thyshalle is available in e-book format.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

On Other Things and Request a Review?

I’m taking a break from the paranormal. I’m reading Heroes Die by Michael Woodring Stover. I suppose he has to add the Woodring on so that he’s not lost in the enormous crotch spew of other Michael Hoovers.

Heroes Die was published before the new millennia….I guess that means it’s fucking old. Book three was released this year. I guess that means Stover is a lazy bastard.

Whatever meaning you take, I’m nineteen pages in and loving it.

I used to read tons of sci-fi and fantasy when I was a kid. I think my first huge novel was The Hobbit. My first truly intellectual sci-fi was Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

I guess you could say I started with the classics. I got into Narnia…sort of. I can’t say I read past book two. I loved the Cheysuli Chronicles by Jennifer Roberson. I dug me some Elric, tried to down some Jordan, but didn’t really get into it. I probably could now though, now I can stomach things I couldn’t back then.

Then I wanted super fun, super cool like Han Solo’s Revenge and Johnny Mnemonic. Too bad Johnny was such a short story. I did the Conan thing, the Gor thing, though I didn’t see the slavey stuff for what it was. I thought it was cool though and read through the crap to get to my slave girls.

Anyway, my vamp thing started big time and I lost touch with the sci-fi world and certainly the fantasy world. I traveled back for a bit though. Roberson tossed out her Deep Wood Trilogy, though I’m still pissed at her for making me wait for book three. I ate the shit up though and will patiently whinny for more.

I’m glad Stover is giving me something to chomp on. Something fast paced, gritty and intelligent. I hope he continues on. (Since I paid an arm and a leg for out of print book two.) When I’m done I will of course review it. I’m no longer reading things without reviewing them. (Makes me feel important.)

Speaking of reviews. If you have anything you want me to review, your book or someone else’s let me know. You can e-mail me at I can’t guarantee review times, but if you give me enough notice on something newly out I can do my best. Hell, if you fucking paid me, I’d read it on the spot.

Wow, I’m a potty mouth. *grins*

Hey, here’s the site of a friend of mine. I’ve read some of his stuff and I really like it. I’m going to be reviewing his book, Fevreblau as soon as I get it. It’s Sci-Fi, but don’t worry I won’t be setting up camp on that side of the literary world. My heart belongs to the vampires, werewolves and gods of the universe.

All right, I’m outty. See you on the other side.

© 2009


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Dream Warrior: Sherrilyn Kenyon-Book Seventeen

It's here!!! Well, it's been here for a few days now. I
loyally hopped on over to my local bookstore and
picked up Dream Warrior on it's official release
date. Sort of. The official Dark-Hunter site said it
was due out February 2nd. My bookstore didn't
shelve it until the 3rd. Ummm, you don't care and I
totally understand that. So, what do I have to say
about the latest Dream-Hunter installment?

Charming. Simply charming.

Kenyon comes at us with a fine romp through the
realms. She brings us Cratus and Delphine, Titan
and Oneroi alike. Of course, this is a love story but
like all good paranormals it's a spine tingling romp
as our heroes save the world and the whole gods
damned universe from utter and I do mean utter,

Cool huh?

So who's this Cratus dude?

He's a god, a Titan, a once Sentinel of Zeus. He's
born of Warcraft and Hate. He's a venomous
bad-ass who was cursed by Zeus for his defiance
against the father god. Mr. Meany-Hand-of-Zeus
dared to spare the life of an innocent, baby to be
exact. Cratus, now known as Jericho, has spent
thousands of years stripped of his god powers,
living amongst the humans and dying a nightly
brutal death only to wake again to his horrible

Really, that's enough to make anyone pissy.

Meet Delphine, an Oneroi sent to persuade Jericho
to save the very gods who turned his back on him.
She has to, the fate of the world hinges on it. Does
she get to Jericho in time?

Maybe. Maybe not. Evil is afoot and sometimes it
wins out. But no worries, right? Love will find a
way? The Gods will find a way?

Hey come on, Ash is in this one. Of course
someone, somewhere will find a way. Question is,
what kind of gods awful price has to be paid. You
know someone's gotta give up something. We can
only hope that it doesn't suck total ass.

But wait!!!!! There's more!!!! There are sooo many
seeds planted in this book that there is no doubt
that all this phase two spew is true. Kenyon has a
new cycle of story line that is turning the world on
its head. And really page 314 of our straight to
paper back is a doozy. Don't peak though, let it
tease you, let it caress you 'til you want to cry.
But don't wait on this book. Get it now. I know you
won't regret it.