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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Twilight, The Movie

I had this long, no short debate on whether to read the book first or not. It only seemed long because I had two or three five minutes bouts of this since the movie came out.

However I kind of did both. Let me explain because how do you read the book before it’s movie and vice versa at the same time.

Simple. I didn’t finish the book.

I read Twilight up to the point Edward is all grinchy and wants out of his biology class. Then I set the book aside and read Sunshine even though I’m supposed to be reading the last couple available books in the Dark-Hunter Series. Truth be told, I’m holding off on them only because I don’t want the world to end, my interaction with the DH world anyway.

Let me get on with it.

So, as you read this review do remember that I haven’t completely read Stephanie Meyers book completely, but I did read enough of it to get the feel for the two main characters and the town.

I liked Bella. I think she was cast very well and well just about everyone was cast with a visual success right down to Bella’s beat up truck. The feel of the upper mid-west was captured effectively from the rainy, overcast, leisurely feel to the enormous consumption of vitamin R, Mount Rainier beer. (There is a pun in there….)

The movie also seemed to follow the book rather well, as far as I read anyway. But…

I have to say the sorest point for me is the soundtrack. I hated 90% of the insipid music that was trying very, very hard to create a 70’s romance but instead made what could have been wonderfully romantic scenes into big yawners and the need for the movie to “just get on with it”.

Not to mention that the vamp make-up sucked ass. Everyone was too pretty, too perfect and it looked too fake. (And all the vampires seemed like they had constipation issues.)The golden skin thing was cool, but they were waaaay too pale for believability and well, I was absolutely reminded that Twilight is for young adults and though the reading of it may transcend age, the movie didn’t. (Strange how Harry Potter movies do and this doesn't.)

And….well there are some flaws in the plot, some notions that teenagers have such freedom and well…it’s fantasy so we’ll let it go.

Aside from that, I kind of liked the movie. I wasn’t thrilled with it in any way, but the overall story is a nice departure from basic vamp stuff and that in and of itself is cool. Oh and the fight scene was good, predictable, but good. Overall, if you’re a vampire fan go see it just to say you did. (Or rent it, that might be better unless you have teenage girls or are one.)

Hmmm, if I were going to give out stars, five being super way excellent then I’m giving Twilight, the movie, 2 and half stars. I’ll probably be nicer to the book, but not until after I get my DH fix.