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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm Made of Win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, I am not done by a long shot, but I hit my 50,000 words this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I’m going to actually finish the book. I’m just over 50,000 words right now. I think it will need another 40 to 50 to actually finish it off. Then who knows what the re-write will be like?

One thing I’ve learned this year?

Just write and keep on doing it. Apparently my novel style is very much like my article style. Sometimes I just don’t hit my groove until the middle.

I know I’m in the groove with my book now. I know my characters, I have the over all plot and I’ve managed to weave an underground culture in there as well.

Once I plow through this draft, I’ll have to go back and set up the ground work for the realities in the latter half. I’ve skipped some seeds of character development, but I can take care of that easy. And maybe I’ll be able to use some of my deleted scenes. (I actually have about 2500 unused words.)

Okay, that’s all I’m going back to the book. Hopefully, I’ll be published sometimes in the next couple of years…..Wow, what would that be like?