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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wrimo: Week Two

Can you believe it? I haven't started Devil May Cry, yet. I think I turned to page one and got interrupted a million times and then NaNo WriMo hit. I didn't start it for two days then blam, I was at a few thousand words. I didn't write all weekend either and was stuck around nine thousand something.

However, my new number is 20,093. It's a about 1500 short of the goal, but it's better than nothing. The best part? My story is actually starting to take shape!! I actually like it!!!

At first I was thinking this is crap, no one is going to want to read this. Super romance hero, my ass!!! But I've let go of perfection once again and am only worried about getting it all down. Wow, I think I'm actually taking my own advice!!!

Well, I've got to head out. I just wanted to let you know that I'm still reading, just not as fast and sooner or later you'll have a review and sooner or later I will have a finished first draft!!!!

AWESOME!!! Even WICKED AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!